Monday, September 22, 2008

Baby Kojiq

The story began five years ago. September 11 2003, to be exact. The first grandchild to my parents, the first baby for Angah & Bangah, he was born via caesarean section two days after Angah had the first signs of labour. We counted 10 little fingers and 10 little toes, he scrumched up his face and wailed, a perfect baby, AlhamduliLlah!

He was the light of our lives - and still is! Since we all live in one house, Angah & Bangah generously shared him with the rest of us - including sharing poopy-diapers-changing, hmmph. I spent hours watching him sleep, the rise and fall of his little chest with every breath he takes, the flutter of his eyelids when dreams interrupt his slumber, and the sweet lips parting in his yawns and sighs. At the slightest sound, one of us would be running to his bassinet, scoop him up in our arms and murmur some lullaby to coax him back to sleep...

Oh, I'm beginning to sound soppy, please forgive me hehehe :-)

Anyway, he is now 5 years old, and I still spend hours watching him sleep :-)

More about Haziq and being diagnosed, in the next post.

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