Tuesday, December 23, 2008

He Really IS Spelling!

Wow, lama sungguh aku tak apdet blog ni... kebizian melampau uols...

OK sah, memang Kojiq dah mula kenal huruf dan belajar mengeja. It's really good to watch him sit at his little desk, flipping over pages of his ABC book and spell some words. I haven't been in touch with the kiddies world lately (I don't have kids of my own) so I don't know the current syllabus used.

If I remember correctly, in kindy, we were made to memorize the letters ABC, thereafter baru start spelling. And there's confusion all around for us bilingual kids, because the same spelling words will always sound and mean differently in Bahasa Melayu and in English. Can you paint your house using a feline? The simplest word - CAT- is already confusing mah!

Anyhow, Kojiq is spelling most words phonetically (eh betul ke ayat ni? Aku main blasah je hehehe). That's how khinzir is spelt 'pi-ah-gi' and not 'pi-ai-ji'. So as Kojiq goes through his books, we can hear him say 'keh-eh-ti', 'keh-oh-wa' and 'gi-oh-ah-ti'. Ada paham ka incik? That's cat, cow and goat la :-)

But occassionally he forgets some letters, or rather, dia malas nak pikir, dia mula la melalut. Atau mungkin ke dia sengaja sebut melalut to entertain himself? We don't know, but it's so darn funny. Kitorang gelak golek-golek bila dengar dia eja 'cow' cegini : keh-'oh-o-yo'-'mm-hmm'. Adeh laa.... mana plak datang 'oh-o-yo' ni??? Pastu dia punya 'mm-hmm' tu bunyik cam hero hindustan hahaha :-))


Dr. Shaikh Mohd Saifuddeen said...

Salam Jie,

It's good to know that he's really spelling. That's indeed a good progress.

Saya yang sedang merangkak-rangkak belajar bahasa Jepun (in particular the hiragana characters at the moment) can really appreciate the challenge in remembering characters/letters and spelling.

I wish your nephew all the best. I am sure you'll see more progress in weeks to come.

JIE said...

Salam kelana,

Thank you for your kind words. Yes, we all keep berdoa for him to get better every day, insyaAllah.