Monday, December 29, 2008

Tak Suka Sayur

Kojiq is a 5 years old kid with a 10 years old body size. Well, at least that's the size of clothes he's wearing la *sigh*. The thing about kids with communication problem is that they may not be much aware of their body functions, so they don't really know when to stop eating. But then, actually this is not exclusively their problem only la. Kita sendiri pun kekadang dah kenyang, tapi masih nak melantak lagi kan... hehehe :-)

Kojiq started out as a very very picky eater. Dulu cuma nak makan bubur kosong saja. Kalau ada secebis pun bawang goreng ke ikan ke dalam bubur tu, dia takkan makan. But the therapist taught us how to introduce new foods to him, and it works so well, now we can't get him to stop! Haila!

Now he eats a variety of foods, and he likes hot stuff. Makan nasi, selalu nak ada sambal. Oh, dia sebut 'sum-bel' (huh?). Tekak melayu okkay :-) Problem is, he's OK with carbs and animal proteins, tapi taknak makan sayur, sebab tu ler gemuk kot!

But I guess, masalah anak taknak makan sayur ni, biasalah kot? He loves Subway sandwiches, and that's the only time yang dia akan makan sayur 'coz Mama dia doesn't let him pick out the veggies from the sandwich. Lagi satu, fruits pun dia tak suka, kecuali oranges.

Camana nak tarik minat dia makan sayur and fruits ye, any tips?

1 comment:

Dr. Shaikh Mohd Saifuddeen said...

Salam Jie,
Saya pun tak suka sayur (sampai sekarang pun tak suka sayur). Tapi bila umur 18 masa di UK dulu terpaksa makan sayur, so dah boleh nak telan sayur.
Cuma sekarang nie kalau orang hidang sayur, saya tak ambil by choice. Tapi kalau orang letak dalam pinggan saya, saya makan.